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The Scriptures: 

We center ourselves on the Spirit inspired text as our rule of life. We affirm that the Lord has specifically revealed Himself to us in His Word and it is our sincere desire to root ourselves in the Holy Scriptures. We see ourselves as students: ever learning in this life, continually growing, and constantly being formed into the image of Jesus.


We affirm an "all of life" worship perspective. Worship is not an event or a gathering. Worship is a way of life by which we personally and corporately seek to praise and glorify the living God with each breath. We seek to be a community that worships our Lord in spirit and truth through a variety of opportunities and methods.


We know that unless the Lord builds the house, we labor in vain and unless the Lord keeps watch at night our watchmen protect in vain (Psalm 127). Thus, we humbly bow to our God and seek him with our prayers, petitions, and concerns. We trust that God speaks to us and listens to us as well.


We celebrate our calling to go into all nations, baptizing, discipling, and teaching all that Christ commanded. We seek to minister to our local neighbors as well as our brothers and sisters on the other side of the globe. We seek to provide basic needs in the absence of those needs and we seek to declare the gospel to those far from God. We recognize that being missional is both personal and corporate and we look for endless ways to exemplify Christ in all situations.


We believe we are to be the hands, feet, mouths, and purses/wallets of Christ to a broken world. We take serious the call to take care of the least of our communities: the poor, the marginalized, the widows, the orphans, the strangers, and those intertwined in social injustice. We are confident that offering a cup of coldwater in the name of Jesus to the thirsty is part of our gospel calling. We are deeply committed to serving the needs of our town as well as the needs around the world.


We acknowledge our need to be in community and to "do" life with others. As the Bride of Christ we embrace this marriage covenant and seek foster honest and healthy relationships with the Lord and with each other. We seek to be connected in small, medium and large settings that challenge us and help us celebrate life. We are deeply committed to having fun and laughing often!


We recognize that life is a journey, God is our guide, and we are granted the humbling opportunity to be shaped into the image of Jesus along the way. We accept the call to be active followers of Jesus as well as to invite others to be likewise. We clearly know we do not have all the answers, all the resources, or all the experiences to get through life alone so instead, we trust that our God does. Thus, we willingly submit as learners and are constantly looking for ways to gather, grow and apply all that we are taking in as we engage God's world.

Standards & Expectations: 

We understand that we do not live or work in a vacuum and that it is imperative that we establish honest and agreeable boundaries so we can flourish as a community. Our senior leadership, The Associate Pastors (AP's), labor with deep passion, compassion, and conviction as they humbly accept the high calling as church leaders. They are committed to learn, study, pray, lead and to be held accountable as spiritual leaders. We know we are to be responsible to gather other leaders and volunteers to pour into their formation, to train, to equip, to release and to process their efforts so the whole of the community can be blessed. It is important that we are purposed in our mission so that the work does not fall on one individual but is spread throughout the body.

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